Development Release: deepin 20 Beta
deepin is a Debian-based distribution which features a custom desktop environment. The project’s latest development snapshot, deepin 20 Beta, is based on Debian 10. The beta offers a new desktop style and runs on version 5.3 of the Linux kernel. “deepin is a Linux distribution devoted to providing beautiful, easy to use, safe and reliable system for global users. deepin 20 Beta comes with a unified design style and redesigns the desktop environment and applications, bringing a brand new interactive experience. Besides that, the underlying repository and kernel are upgraded to Debian 10 and Kernel 5.3 respectively. The continuously optimized system offers a richer application ecosystem and better system stability. What is more, there are some new applications for users. Attractive deepin desktop environment: DDE introduces a new fashion graphical interface, with rounded window corners, natural and smooth animation effects, exquisite multi-tasking view, and ingenious colorful icons, all of which ensure an exciting user experience.” Further information can be found in the project’s release announcement. Download: deepin-20-beta-desktop-amd64-20200415-1718.iso (2,019MB, SHA256, pkglist).
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