Distribution Release: AV Linux 2020.4.10
Glen MacArthur has announced the release of a brand-new version of AV Linux, a Debian-based, multimedia-oriented distribution with a collection of audio and video production software. AV Linux 2020.4.10 is the project’s first release based on Debian 10: “AV Linux 2020.4.10 is released. What’s new? Moved to Debian 10 ‘Buster’; new Linux 5.4.28 realtime and lowlatency kernels; new Systemback fork with NVMe support; added Pulseaudio Bluetooth module and BT support frontends; disabled automounting of external drives on live ISO image (it can be re-enabled post-install) - some users viewed automount as a security intrusion; removed all KDE libraries and Kdenlive - too much bulk and ISO image space for one application, it can easily be installed from Debian or Flatpak post-install; added latest KXStudio repositories compliant with Debian ‘Buster’; added new Thunar custom actions, including sample editing and image manipulation; completely rewritten ‘AV Linux Assistant’ with many new features; consolidation of many small AV Linux scripts and apps into AV Linux Assistant; consolidation of extra plugins into a single ‘avlinux-extra-plugins’ package…” Continue to the release announcement for further information and screenshots. Download: isotester-avl64-2020.4.10.iso (3,168MB, SHA256, pkglist, username: isotester, password: avl64).
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