Distribution Release: AryaLinux 2.4
Chandrakant Singh has announced the release of AryaLinux 2.4, a new version of the project’s independently-developed distribution built from Linux From Scratch (LFS “AryaLinux 2.4 released. Listed below are some of the changes that have made it to this release of AryaLinux. Apart from package updates and upgrades, there are several things that make this release different from our previous releases. Linux kernel updated to version 5.5.8, subsequent update in the aufs kernel patches. Introducing in this release is alpsui - a Synaptic-like user interface to alps. The alps user interface is undergoing a lot of development and bug fixes at present. Please report problems to help us improve it. GNOME 3.36 which was released earlier. AryaLinux is one of the very first distributions to provide a GNOME 3.36 release. LibreOffice updated to Much improved Indian language font support.” See the release notes further details. Download (MD5, pkglist aryalinux-2.4-gnome-x86_64.iso (2,578MB), aryalinux-2.4-xfce-x86_64.iso (3,416MB), aryalinux-2.4-mate-x86_64.iso (2,775MB), aryalinux-2.4-kde-x86_64.iso (3,265MB).
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