Distribution Release: Linux From Scratch 9.1
Bruce Dubbs has announced the release of Linux From Scratch (LFS) 9.1 and Beyond Linux From Scratch (BLFS) 9.1, updated versions of the project’s books that provides step-by-step instructions on how to build a base Linux system from scratch (using a standard Linux live system): “The Linux From Scratch community is pleased to announce the release of LFS version 9.1, LFS version 9.1 (systemd), BLFS version 9.1, and BLFS version 9.1 (systemd). This release is a major update to both LFS and BLFS. The LFS release includes updates to glibc 2.31, and Binutils 2.34. A total of 35 packages have been updated. A new package, zstd 1.4.4, has also been added. Changes to text have been made throughout the book. The Linux kernel has also been updated to version 5.5.3. BLFS includes approximately 1,000 packages beyond the base Linux From Scratch Version 9.1 book. This release has over 840 updates from the previous version in addition to numerous text and formatting changes.” Here is the brief release announcement. The LFS and BLFS books are available for on-line viewing or they can be downloaded in HTML and PDF formats. Access links: LFS (pkglist) - 9.1 (HTML), 9.1 (PDF), 9.1-systemd (HTML), 9.1-systemd (PDF), BLFS (pkglist) - 9.1 (HTML), 9.1-systemd (HTML).
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