Distribution Release: SparkyLinux 2020.02
The SparkyLinux team has published a new snapshot of the distribution’s rolling release platform. The new media is based on Debian’s Testing branch and features several key package updates. “Sparky 2020.02 ‘Po Tolo’ of the (semi-)rolling line is out. It is based on the testing branch of Debian ‘Bullseye’. Changes: system upgraded from Debian Testing ‘Bullseye’ repos as of February 9, 2020. Calamares installer 3.2.18. Linux kernel 5.4.13 as default (5.5.2 & 5.6-rc1 in Sparky unstable repos). Firefox 72.0.2. Thunderbird 68.4.2. LibreOffice 6.4.0. VLC 3.0.8. Exaile 4.0.2, etc. Added the new Sparky public key.” The release announcement warns that the distribution’s Calamares installer may fail in some situations: " Calamares installer fails if you install Sparky in full auto mode with full disk encryption and a swap partiton; it works fine without a swap partition." Download: sparkylinux-2020.02-x86_64-xfce.iso (1,259MB, SHA512, signature, torrent), sparkylinux-2020.02-x86_64-lxqt.iso (1,371MB, SHA512, signature, torrent), sparkylinux-2020.02-x86_64-mate.iso (1,606MB, SHA512, signature, torrent).
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