Distribution Release: Tiny Core Linux 11.0
Version 11.0 of Tiny Core Linux, an independently-developed, minimalist and modular distribution with community-built extensions, has been released. The new version features Linux kernel 5.4.3 and an updated toolchain: “Team Tiny Core is proud to announce the release of Tiny Core Linux 11.0. Changelog: Linux kernel updated to 5.4.3; glibc updated to 2.30; GCC updated to 9.2.0; e2fsprogs base libraries and applications updated to 1.45.4; util-linux base libraries and applications updated to 2.34; BusyBox updated to 1.31.1; .ashrc removed #alias d=‘dmenu_run &’. Note: we discovered a bug on the 32-bit edition, in Intel IOMMU, preventing boot - if you have a high-end Intel system with IOMMU and VT-D, you may need intel_iommu=off to boot the 32-bit edition; the nouveau kernel module is now enabled, but it is in a separate extension and not in graphics-KERNEL; the nvidia binary driver is still recommended; Intel compute sticks should now detect their embedded MMC Flash; for 64 bit version only - task_xacct and ipmi are enabled…” Please see the release announcement for more details. Download: Core-11.0 (14.1MB, MD5), TinyCore-11.0.iso (19.0MB, MD5), CorePlus-11.0.iso (199MB, MD5), CorePure64-11.0.iso (15.8MB, MD5), TinyCorePure64-11.0.iso (27.0MB, MD5).
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