Distribution Release: Lakka 2.3.2
The Lakka development team has announced the release of Lakka 2.3.2, a lightweight Linux distribution (based on LibreELEC) which promises to transform a small computer into a full-blown game console. The new release comes with an updated RetroArch user interface: “The Lakka team wishes everyone a happy new year as it welcomes 2020 with a new update and a new tier-based releases system. This new Lakka update, version 2.3.2, contains RetroArch 1.8.4 (was 1.7.2), some new cores and a handful of core updates. This new version of RetroArch adds some welcome features - the most interesting is the manual content scanner. You read it right - no database is required any more to build your playlists. Whether it’s because the database is missing or your platform has little memory to handle big scans, you now have the choice to do a manual scan to build playlists on your Lakka box. This new scanning method simply takes all files ending with a known extension in a folder and adds them to the playlist for that system.” Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. At present, the new Lakka release is available for generic x86_64 computers and Raspberry Pi boards. Download links: Lakka-Generic.x86_64-2.3.2.img.gz (442MB, SHA256), Lakka-RPi.arm-2.3.2.img.gz (324MB, SHA256), Lakka-RPi2.arm-2.3.2.img.gz (376MB, SHA256), Lakka-RPi2.RPi4.arm-2.3.2.img.gz (384MB, SHA256).
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