Distribution Release: GParted Live 1.1.0-1
Curtis Gedak has announced the release of GParted Live 1.1.0-1, the latest stable version of the project’s Debian-based CD/USB image with a collection of disk management and data rescue utilities: “The GParted team is pleased to announce a new stable release of GParted Live. This release includes GParted 1.1.0, updated packages and other improvements. Items of note include: fix error when moving locked LUKS-encrypted partition; switch to faster minfo and mdir to read FAT16/32 usage; calculate JFS size accurately; recognise ATARAID members and detect their busy status; based on the Debian ‘Sid’ repository as of 2020-01-21; Linux kernel updated to 5.4.13; fix an issue about makeboot.sh which failed to run. Note that the default boot options did not display an X Desktop on old Acer Aspire laptops. The workaround is to select Other modes of GParted Live and choose GParted Live (Safe graphics setting, vga-normal). Note also that a problem on a test computer with GParted stuck displaying ‘Scanning all devices…’ turned out to be an mdadm command waiting forever for a floppy_read_block.” Read the full release announcement for more details. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist gparted-live-1.1.0-1-amd64.iso (355MB), gparted-live-1.1.0-1-i686-pae.iso (338MB), gparted-live-1.1.0-1-i686.iso (338MB).
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