Distribution Release: AryaLinux 2.1
AryaLinux is a source-based GNU/Linux distribution that has been put together using Linux From Scratch (LFS) as a guide. The AryaLinux distribution uses a source/ports style of package management and a custom package manager called ‘alps’. The distribution’s latest release, AryaLinux 2.1, is available in four desktop editions: GNOME, KDE Plasma, MATE, and Xfce. “Listed below are some of the changes that have made it to this release of AryaLinux. Apart from package updates and upgrades, there are several things that make this release different from our other releases. Release for all supported desktop environments: Xfce, MATE, KDE and GNOME. Linux kernel major version update from 4.x to 5.x. All package versions in line with package versions of LFS and BLFS stable book version 9.0. A complete rewrite of AryaLinux took place before this release which resulted in few regressions. We are working on the same. Please click here for known issues in this release.” Further information can be found in the release notes. Download (MD5) (pkglist aryalinux-2.1-xfce-x86_64.iso (2,169MB), aryalinux-2.1-mate-x86_64.iso (2,357MB), aryalinux-2.1-kde5-x86_64.iso (2,741MB), aryalinux-2.1-gnome-x86_64.iso (2,286MB).
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