Distribution Release: BlackArch Linux 2020.01.01
Levon Kayan has announced the release of a new version of BlackArch Linux, an Arch-based distribution with a large collection of specialist tools designed for penetration testing, security research and forensic analysis: “Today we have released new BlackArch Linux ISO and OVA images. Many improvements and much QA went through all packages and tools BlackArch Linux offers. Here is the changelog: added 120 new tools; add terminus font support to LXDM; fixed the annoying ‘cannot open tools via menu’ bug; updated BlackArch installer to version 1.1.34; included Linux kernel 5.4.6; updated urxvt configuration to add support for changing size on the fly; Vim - replace pathogen with Vundle.vim, added new vim plugin, clang_complete; minor bug fixes and improvements; updated all BlackArch tools and packages, including configuration files; updated all system packages; updated all window manager menus (Awesome, Fluxbox, Openbox).” Visit the distribution’s blog to read the full release announcement. Download (SHA1, pkglist, login: root, password: blackarch): blackarch-linux-live-2020.01.01-x86_64.iso (13,350MB), blackarch-linux-netinst-2020.01.01-x86_64.iso (491MB).
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