Distribution Release: Calculate Linux 20
Alexander Tratsevskiy has announced the release of Calculate Linux 20, a major update of the project’s Gentoo-based, rolling-release distribution set available in KDE Plasma, Cinnamon, LXQt, MATE and Xfce flavours. This version upgrades many packages, but it also drops the i686 architecture: “For this new release, Gentoo 17.1 was used as the base profile, all binary packages recompiled with GCC 9.2, and overlays managed with eselect. Calculate Linux will no longer come in 32-bit edition. Change list: a local overlay has been added; you can run ‘emerge --config’ to launch the new cl-config tool for service configuration; ‘modesetting’ video driver supported; CPU-X has been replaced by the graphical HardInfo utility for better hardware browsing; MPlayer has been replaced by mpv; cronie replaces vixie-cron for cron job scheduling; fixed single disk auto-detection for installation; fixed bug where several applications played ALSA audio at the same time; fixed default audio device configuration; Xfce desktop has been updated to 4.14…” Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download links (MD5, pkglist cld-20-x86_64.iso (KDE Plasma, 2,761MB, torrent), cldc-20-x86_64.iso (Cinnamon, 2,443MB, torrent), cldl-20-x86_64.iso (LXQt, 2,433MB, torrent),cldm-20-x86_64.iso (MATE, 2,530MB, torrent), cldx-20-x86_64.iso (Xfce, 2,383MB, torrent).
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