Distribution Release: Proxmox 6.1 "Virtual Environment"
Proxmox is a commercial company which offers specialized products based on Debian. The company has launched Proxmox Virtual Environment version 6.1 which is based on Debian 10.2 “Buster”. The release announcement covers the highlights of the new version: “It is built on Debian Buster 10.2 and a specially modified Linux kernel 5.3, QEMU 4.1.1, LXC 3.2, ZFS 0.8.2, Ceph (Nautilus), Corosync 3.0, and more of the current leading open-source virtualization technologies. This release brings new configuration options available in the GUI which make working with Proxmox VE even more comfortable and secure. Editing the cluster-wide bandwidth limit for traffic types such as migration, backup-restore, clone, etc. is possible via the GUI. If the optional package ifupdown2 of the Debian network interface manager is installed, it’s now possible to change the network configuration and reload it in the Proxmox web interface without a reboot. We have improvements to 2-factor authentication with TOTP and U2F. The HA stack has been improved and comes with a new ‘migrate’ shutdown policy, migrating running services to another node on shutdown. In the storage backend, all features offered by newer kernels with Ceph and KRBD are supported with version 6.1.” Further details can be found in the release announcement. Download: proxmox-ve_6.1-1.iso (776MB, SHA256, pkglist).
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