Distribution Release: Slackel 7.5 "Openbox"
Happy New Year! Dimitris Tzemos has announced the release of Slackel 7.5 “Openbox” edition, the latest version of the project’s a desktop Linux distribution based on Slackware’s “current” branch, available for both 32-bit and 64-bit platforms: “Slackel 7.5 ‘Openbox’ has been released. It includes the Linux kernel 5.15.12 and the latest updates from Slackware’s ‘current’ tree. The wicd utility has been removed and NetworkManager is now the default application for connecting to networks. Slackel can now be installed on an external 16 or 32 GB USB stick or SSD disk so you can have a portable, fast system always with you. You can also upgrade it to have the latest programs. It is a real installation. You will not notice that you run Slackel from a USB device. The system is fast. Persistence becomes slow after installing some programs. but doing a real installation on an USB stick or external SSD disk will get you a portable Slackel USB in your pocket.” Read the rest of the release announcement for further information and screenshots. Download (MD5, pkglist, login with root/live, one/one): slackellive64-openbox-7.5.iso (2,309MB), slackellive-openbox-7.5.iso (2,329MB).
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