Distribution Release: EuroLinux 8.3
EuroLinux is a commercial clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux. The project’s latest release, EuroLinux 8.3, introduces no-cost download options and more open access to information with regards to updates. “EuroLinux 8.3 introduces a number of significant improvements over version 7. We have added new, key functionalities (such as the module streams) and distinguishing features in the form of the possibility of rebuilding the system from sources, or 1 to 1 compatibility with the RPM packages of the RHEL system. EuroLinux technological advantages and distinguishing features. We have modernized our software sharing model. From version 8.3, EuroLinux is available both as a paid subscription and for free in the Open Core model. The advantage of such a solution is to deliver as much value as possible to users and communities. It is a modern, transparent and responsible business model. From version 8.3, every user of EuroLinux and EuroLinux containers receives full system with updates released at the same time for both, paid and free users. The paid version of the system additionally provides: direct manufacturer support, access to errata files, access to additional intermediate packages (if the support service so requires) impact on product development.” Further information can be found in the project’s release announcement and in the release notes. Download (pkglist EL-8.3-x86_64-20210624-appstream.iso (9,197MB, SHA1), EL-8.3-x86_64-20210624-minimal.iso (1,319MB, SHA1).
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