Development Release: Porteus 5.0 RC3
A new development build of Porteus, a set of stripped-down Slackware-based live CDs with a choice of seven desktop environments, is now available for testing: “On behalf of the Porteus development team, I’m happy to announce the release of Porteus version 5.0-RC3. Almost a year after RC2, both 32-bit and 64-bit editions of the 7 flavors are now available. You can download the releases at any of our mirrors in the Porteus-v5.0 folder of your desired arch(x86_64 or i586). To bring us up to date with Slackware’s current development, some under-the-hood changes include: the implementation of PAM, the replacement of ConsoleKit with elogind, and Python upgrade to 3.9.6. Certain packages have increased in size (e.g. MESA, LLVM) so the ISO images are now ranging between 335MB and 425MB (slightly less for 32-bit images). All desktop environments are updated to their latest versions, with the stable kernel 5.12.14.” Here is the brief release announcement. Download links (MD5, pkglist Porteus-CINNAMON-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso (356MB), Porteus-KDE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso (428MB), Porteus-LXDE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso (339MB), Porteus-LXQT-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso (354MB), Porteus-MATE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso (348MB), Porteus-OPENBOX-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso (335MB), Porteus-XFCE-v5.0rc3-x86_64.iso (342MB).
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