Distribution Release: T2 SDE 21.7
René Rebe has announced the release of a new version of T2 SDE, an open-source system development environment that allows the creation of custom Linux distributions. It is available for 18 processor architectures, with integrated support for cross compilation. “T2 SDE Linux 21.7 was released today. This is an interim update that ships with full support for the new HiFive SiHive Unmatched 64-bit quad-core RISC-V 64 board, as well as a reference for further refined smart optimizations for 32-bit and 64-bit x86. Of course, all the other architectures, including alpha, arm, arm64, hppa, ia64, m68k, mips64, mipsel, ppc, ppc64-32, ppc64le, riscv, riscv64, s390x, sparc64, superh, x86 and x86-64 can be rolling0release upated via the scripted build system. The 21.7 release received updates across the board, with latest Linux kernel 5.13.1, as well as a fix for the GCC 11 C++ templated ctor bug. There were 305 changesets. This is also the first release where our ‘Data’ AI bot contributed more revisions than human developers - Data 164, humans 141.” Visit the project’s home page to further information and release announcement. Here is a download link to the minimal desktop installation image for the x86_64 architecture: t2-21.7-x86-64-minimal-desktop-gcc-glibc.iso (804MB, SHA1, pkglist).
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