Distribution Release: SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3
SUSE has announced the release of SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) 15 SP3, the third service pack of the company’s enterprise-class Linux distribution designed mainly for developers and administrators to deploy business-critical workloads. This is the first release that provides binary compatibility with the latest openSUSE Leap release: “With the release of SLES 15 SP3 we now have 100% binary compatibility with openSUSE Leap 15.3 (our developer platform). That means that you can smoothly move workloads from development to production environments that run SLE 15 SP3 - and back again - with assured application compatibility. This is an important milestone for openSUSE and SUSE, our users and our customers: Leap 15.3 is the first release where openSUSE Leap and SUSE Linux Enterprise share the same source code and use the exact same binary packages. The bottom line is that we are providing a seamless developer experience that drives faster digital transformation.” See the release announcement and the comprehensive release notes for further information. Installation images for AMD64/Intel 64, Arm, Power and Z Systems are available for download (pkglist) from the company’s download page (registration required).
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