Distribution Release: IPFire 2.25 Core 157
IPFire is an independent Linux distribution designed for use on firewalls and routers. The project has published a new update which strips away most of Python 2, replacing the code with Python 3. Python 2 reached the end of its supported life on January 1, 2020. “We have made huge efforts to migrate away from Python 2 which has reached its end of life on January 1st of this year. That includes repackaging third-party modules for Python 3 and migrating our own software to Python 3. The work will continue over the next couple of weeks and we are hopeful to remove all Python 2 code with the next release. We will keep Python 2 around for a little bit longer to give everyone with custom scripts a little bit of time to migrate them away, too. The IPFire kernel has been rebased on Linux 4.14.232 which brings various security and stability fixes.” Further details may be found in the project’s release announcement. Download (SHA256): ipfire-2.25.x86_64-full-core157.iso (309MB, torrent, pkglist).
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