Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 153.210608
GeckoLinux is a Linux spin based on the openSUSE distribution, with a focus on polish and out-of-the-box usability on the desktop. The project’s latest release is based on openSUSE 15.3 which offers binary compatibility with SUSE Linux Enterprise. “GeckoLinux is pleased to announce the 153.210608 update to its full range of STATIC and NEXT editions. These updated editions are now based on the new openSUSE Leap 15.3 release, which in turn is built from SUSE Linux Enterprise (SLE) packages. The Linux kernel is still at version 5.3.18, but additional backports are included for better compatibility with newer hardware. GeckoLinux in turn continues to refine its package selection and unique configuration to provide a simple, clean system that works out of the box. For this GeckoLinux STATIC release, the Calamares installer is now at version 3.2.36, and has been configured to use the Btrfs filesystem with LZO transparent compression by default for the guided partitioning options, although of course all other modern Linux filesystems are also available with the custom partitioning option.” Additional information can be found in the distribution’s release announcement. Download (MD5, pkglist GeckoLinux_STATIC_Cinnamon.x86_64-153.210608.0.iso (1,412MB), GeckoLinux_STATIC_XFCE.x86_64-153.210608.0.iso (1,409MB), GeckoLinux_STATIC_Gnome.x86_64-153.210608.0.iso (1,426MB).
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