Distribution Release: Oracle Linux 8.4
Simon Coter has announced the release of Oracle Linux 8.4, the latest update from the project that develops an enterprise-class Linux distribution supported by Oracle and built from source packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL): “Oracle is pleased to announce the availability of the Oracle Linux 8 Update 4 for the 64-bit Intel and AMD (x86_64) and 64-bit Arm (aarch64) platforms. Oracle Linux brings the latest open-source innovations, business-critical performance, and security optimizations for cloud and on-premises deployment. Oracle Linux maintains user space compatibility with Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and CentOS, which is independent of the kernel version that underlies the operating system. Oracle Linux 8 Update 4 includes the UEK R6 Update 2 on the installation image, along with the Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK). For new installations, UEK R6 is enabled and installed by default and is the default kernel on first boot.” Continue to the release announcement for a list of new features and improvements. The detailed release notes provide further technical details. Download link: OracleLinux-R8-U4-x86_64-dvd.iso (9,471MB, pkglist).
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