Distribution Release: UBports 16.04 OTA-17
UBports is a community-developed fork of Canonical’s Ubuntu Touch operating system for mobile devices. The project’s latest release is 16.04 OTA-17 which introduces new device support, camera fixes across multiple devices, and an update to the Mir display software. “Ubuntu Touch now has support for NFC hardware in most of our devices running with Android 9 hardware compatibility, including the Pixel 3a and Volla Phone. NFC support gives app developers the ability to read or write NFC tags; or even to communicate with another device using the protocol. People have already been thinking up ideas for how to use NFC features to read from passive medical monitors… This is a feature that seems to make people very excited. You can find some demo apps for this feature on Alfred’s GitHub, ut-nfcd-p2p-demo showcases support for two Ubuntu Touch devices communicating while ut-nfcd-ndev-demo shows off reading and writing NFC tags. Camera flash, zoom, rotation, and focus was fixed on many supported Ubuntu Touch devices, including the OnePlus One.” Additional information can be found in the project’s release announcement. Supported devices and install options can be found on the project’s devices page.
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