Distribution Release: EndeavourOS 2021.04.17
Bryan Poerwo has announced the release of a new version of EndeavourOS, a rolling-release Linux distribution based on Arch Linux. It aims to be an easy-to-install and pre-configured system featuring Xfce as the default desktop environment. From the release announcement: “We are proud to announce our second release of 2021 and this one is a bit more than a refresh ISO image release, so before you hit the download button and go play with it, just sit back and let us inform you first because we are really excited about this release. We already covered our websites receiving a new look but in this case, I want to put the spotlight on our wiki. Our Discovery magazine has been discontinued due to a lack of writers and it now has been rebooted as the EndeavourOS knowledge base for both x86_64 and ARM. The other new feature on the knowledge base are video tutorials - like the wiki articles, this category will expand over time and at the moment it contains general Linux and Arch-specific tutorials from the Chris Titus Tech and EF Linux YouTube channels.” Download: endeavouros-2021.04.17-x86_64.iso (1,912MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
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