Distribution Release: MX Linux 19.4
The MX Linux team has announced an update to the project’s 19.x series. The Debian-based project is now available in two editions: Xfce/Fluxbox and KDE Plasma. Standard dEbian kernels and updated 5.10 kernels are availanle. “We are pleased to offer MX-19.4 for your use. MX-19.4 is the fourth refresh of our MX-19 release, consisting of bugfixes and application updates since our original release of MX-19. If you are already running MX-19, there is no need to reinstall. Packages are all available thru the regular update channel. Migration notes are here. The standard MX-19.4 releases (32-bit and 64-bit) feature the latest Debian 4.19 kernel. The AHS (Advanced Hardware Support) ISO features a Debian 5.10.24 kernel, mesa 20.3 updates, as well as a new updated firmware packages. The KDE ISO has also been updated, and being based on AHS, also has the 5.10.24 kernel and updated firmware and mesa packages.” Additional information can be found in the project’s release announcement. Download (pkglist MX-19.4_x64.iso (1,621MB, SHA256, signature, torrent), MX-19.4_kde_x64.iso (1,935MB, SHA256, signature, torrent).
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