Distribution Release: AlmaLinux OS 8.3
AlmaLinux OS is a binary-compatible rebuild of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux source codes. The distribution intends to be a drop-in replacement for CentOS Linux with long-term support. The project’s first stable release is AlmaLinux OS 8.3. “We are very happy to announce that today we are releasing the first AlmaLinux OS stable version. That’s right, you can go right ahead and download the stable version and use it everywhere you need a stable, reliable, Linux distribution. For some time now we also have the conversion script in our GitHub repository, so you can also convert your system to AlmaLinux OS stable using it if you don’t feel like reinstalling from scratch. AlmaLinux OS, the forever-free open source enterprise-grade Linux is ready. So, after about four months since the decision to steer CentOS in a different path, you now have a 1:1 binary compatible drop-in replacement, with a very long support timeframe. You can use it for any general purpose computing need, in bare-metal installations, in virtual machines, in containers, on cloud providers.” Further information on the release, along with migration tips can be found in the release announcement. Download (SHA256, pkglist AlmaLinux-8.3-x86_64-dvd.iso (8,797MB), AlmaLinux-8.3-x86_64-boot.iso (638MB), AlmaLinux-8.3-x86_64-minimal.iso (1,767MB).
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