Development Release: Fedora 34 Beta
The Fedora team have announced the launch of a new development snapshot of their distribution. Fedora 34 Beta introduces a number of significant changes, including GNOME 40, replacing PulseAudio with PipeWire, and the default Btr filesystem enables transparent compression. “After Fedora Linux 33 made BTRFS the default filesystem for desktop variants, Fedora Linux 34 Beta enables transparent compression for more disk space. This increases the lifespan of flash-based media by reducing write amplification for solid-state disks. This compression improves the read and write performance for larger files, with the potential to add significant time efficiency into workflows. With a foundation for future enhancements, we aim to continue adding to these capabilities in future versions. Desktop audio will transition from using PulseAudio to PipeWire to mix and manage audio streams. The supports low-latency for pro audio use cases. PipeWire is better designed to meet the needs of containers and applications shipped in Flatpaks. The integration of PipeWire also creates the space for just one audio infrastructure to serve both desktop and professional use cases for mixing. Fedora 34 Workstation Beta includes GNOME 40, the newest release of the GNOME desktop environment.” The release announcement offers further details. Download (pkglist Fedora-Workstation-Live-x86_64-34_Beta-1.3.iso (1,908MB, SHA256, torrent), Fedora-Server-dvd-x86_64-34_Beta-1.3.iso (2,019MB, SHA256, torrent).
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