Development Release: Manjaro Linux 21.0 RC1
Philip Müller has announced the availability of the first release candidate for the upcoming Manjaro Linux 21.0: “We are happy to publish our release candidate of Manjaro Linux 21.0, named ‘Ornara’. Our last ‘Nibia’ release was from January and a lot of things have changed between those releases. For once, we dropped GNOME Initial Setup routine from our ISO images. It was nice to try it out, but the overall feedback was not so great. The GNOME edition has got exciting new features: GNOME 3.38 replaces the previously split Frequent and All app views with a single customizable and consistent view that allows you to reorder applications and organize them into custom folders. Simply click and drag to move apps around. Settings can now manage parental controls for standard user accounts through the new Parental Controls option in the Users section.” Read the rest of the release announcement for more information. Download (pkglist manjaro-gnome-21.0-210318-linux510.iso (2,639MB, SHA256), manjaro-kde-21.0-210318-linux510.iso (2,700MB, SHA256), manjaro-xfce-21.0-210318-linux510.iso (2,408MB, SHA256). Separate “minimal” images and images with the 5.4 LTS kernel are also available.
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