Distribution Release: IPFire 2.25 Core 154
Michael Tremer has announced the release of IPFire 2.25 Core 154, an updated build of the project’s Linux-based distribution designed for routers and firewalls. This version comes with a large number of package upgrades, DNS resolution improvements and WPA3 client support: “The first update of the year will be an enormous one. We have been working hard in the lab to update the underlying operating system to harden and improve IPFire and we have added WPA3 client support and made DNS faster and more resilient against broken Internet connections. This is probably the release with the largest number of package updates. This is necessary for us to keep the system modern and adopt any fixes from upstream projects. The DNS proxy working inside IPFire will now reuse any TLS and TCP connections for DNS resolution making it substantially faster. Before, a TCP or TLS connection had to be opened and closed after a response was received causing a lot of overhead. Please consider if your setup can run DNS-over-TLS to protect your privacy.” Read the rest of the release announcement for further details. Download (SHA256, pkglist ipfire-2.25.x86_64-full-core154.iso (307MB, torrent), ipfire-2.25.2gb-ext4.x86_64-full-core154.img.xz (271MB, torrent).
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