Distribution Release: Emmabuntüs DE3-1.04
Patrick d’Emmabuntüs has announced the release of Emmabuntüs DE3-1.04, an updated build of the project’s lightweight, Debian-based distribution designed primarily for refurbished computers: “The Emmabuntüs Collective is happy to announce the release of the Emmabuntüs Debian Edition update 3 1.04 (32-bit and 64-bit) based on the Debian 10.8 ‘Buster’ distribution featuring both Xfce and LXQt desktop environments. This new update of our distribution brings an evolution of the way the different languages are supported, like the Emmabuntüs DE4, thanks to the .po file usage, as well as the removal of a number of proprietary software applications, to the benefit of free alternatives. Namely, DWService is replacing Teamviewer, Jami is replacing Skype and finally SMTube is replaced by FreeTube. We also took the opportunity of this new release to remove some obsolete software, like Adobe Flash, Jitsi desktop and Java 8, and to install new versions of Kiwix 2 and Ancestris 10.” Here is the full release announcement with screenshots. Download: emmabuntus-de3-amd64-10.8-1.04.iso (3,392MB, SHA256, torrent, pkglist).
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