Distribution Release: Mabox Linux 21.02
Mabox Linux is a Manjaro-based rolling release distribution. Mabox Linux features the Openbox window manager as its default interface and provides a welcome screen with access to utilities which add additional software to the operating system. The project’s latest snashot, Mabox Linux 21.02, updates the default kernel to the latest LTS kernel release, fixes memory usage statistics in the Conky panel, and offers both free and non-free driver options at boot time. “I am pleased to announce a new release of Mabox Linux 21.02 Foltest. Mabox is a distribution based on Manjaro, with a preconfigured lightweight Openbox window manager and several specially developed programs and tools. Works great even on weaker computers. Mabox 21.02 Foltest is equipped with the latest 5.10 LTS kernel, of course you can easily install other kernels and decide which one to run at boot time. The installer offers the option of choosing free or proprietary drivers - when booting, select the free or non-free option. This release includes a number of fixes, new/updated packages and new features.” The release announcement has further details. Download: mabox-linux-21.02-Foltest-210215-linux510.iso (1,772MB, MD5, pkglist).
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