Development Release: Qubes OS 4.0.4 RC2
Qubes OS is a security-oriented Linux distribution whose main concept is “security by isolation” by using domains implemented as lightweight Xen virtual machines. The project’s latest development snapshot is Qubes OS 4.0.4-rc2 which updates its operating system tempates and packages. “We’re pleased to announce the second release candidate for Qubes OS 4.0.4. Qubes OS 4.0.4-rc2 includes many updates over the initial 4.0 release, in particular: All 4.0 dom0 updates to date. Fedora 32 TemplateVM. Debian 10 TemplateVM. Whonix 15 Gateway and Workstation TemplateVMs. Linux kernel 5.4 by default. Bug fixes from 4.0.4-rc1. A point release does not designate a separate, new version of Qubes OS. Rather, it designates its respective major or minor release (in this case, 4.0) inclusive of all updates up to a certain point. Installing Qubes 4.0 and fully updating it results in the same system as installing Qubes 4.0.4.” Further information can be found in the project’s release announcement. Download: Qubes-R4.0.4-rc2-x86_64.iso (4,958MB, SHA256, signature, pkglist).
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