Development Release: Redcore Linux 2101 Beta
Ghiunhan Mamut has announced the availability of a beta build of Redcore Linux 2101, the upcoming new release of the project’s Gentoo-based distribution with a goal to provide a pure Gentoo system without the need to compile it from source code. “I’m happy to let you all know that Redcore Linux Hardened 2101 ‘Orion’ has reached beta status. While the alpha release was fairly good, it had some issues. Some of them were small, some of them fairly nasty (like random live session freezes). I feel very confident about the quality of the beta release, and I believe it is even better than some of our previous stable releases. However, more testing won’t hurt anybody, and I’m pretty sure I missed some issues. In fact this is the first ever beta release since Redcore Linux exists. Changelog (since 2004 ‘Neptune’): re-sync with Gentoo as of 2021-01-08; distribution rebuilt from scratch using new Gentoo profiles; Linux kernel 5.10.5 LTS, GCC 10.2.0, glibc 2.32, Binutils 2.35, LLVM 11.0.1; graphics stack - MESA 20.3.2, libdrm 2.4.103, X.Org Server 1.20.10; Qt 5.15.2, KDE Frameworks 5.77, KDE Applications 20.12.1, KDE Plasma 5.20.5…” See the full release announcement for a complete changelog and known issues. Download: Redcore.Linux.Hardened.2101.KDE.amd64.BETA.iso (3,499MB, SHA256, pkglist).
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