Distribution Release: Alpine Linux 3.13.0
Alpine Linux is a community developed, lightweight operating system designed for routers, firewalls, VPNs, VoIP boxes and servers. The project’s latest version, Alpine Linux 3.13.0, introduces official cloud images, the option of running PHP 8.0, and Node.js is compiled for better performance. “New features and noteworthy new packages: Official cloud images. Introduction of ifupdown-ng, a replacement for busybox ifupdown. Improved wifi support in setup scripts. PHP 8.0 is available now (next to PHP 7.4). Node.js (LTS) is compiled with -O2 instead of -Os which noticeably improves performance. It can also use full ICU data if new package icu-data is installed alongside. Initial support for cloud-init. Significant updates: Linux 5.10.7, musl 1.2, Busybox 1.32.1, GCC 10.2.1, Git 2.30.0. Knot DNS 3.0.3, MariaDB 10.5.8, Node.js 14.15.4, Nextcloud 20.0.4, PostgreSQL 13.1, QEMU 5.2.0” Further details are available in the release announcement. Download: alpine-standard-3.13.0-x86_64.iso (133MB, SHA256, signature), pkglist).
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