Development Release: openSUSE 15.3 Alpha
The openSUSE team have published a new development snapshot of their upcoming openSUSE 15.3 release. The new Alpha snapshot introduces binary compatibility with SUSE Linux Enterprise and reorganizes the way installation media for different CPU architectures are made available. “You may notice that Installation images for all arches can be now found in the Installation tabs, and the tab Ports no longer exist. This new structure corresponds with the way how we build images in 15.3. openSUSE Leap 15.3 is based on the Jump concept that was developed over the past several months, which makes it and SUSE Linux Enterprise compatible. openSUSE Leap aligns with SLE and its Service Packs (SP), which keeps the system updated, stable and patched. Upon General Availability of this release, there will be a whole new level of harmony between Leap 15.3 and SUSE Linux Enterprise 15 SP3.” Details on the new development snapshot can be found in the project’s release announcement. Download (pkglist openSUSE-Leap-15.3-DVD-x86_64-Current.iso (4,336MB, SHA256, torrent), openSUSE-Leap-15.3-NET-x86_64-Current.iso (116MB, SHA256, torrent).
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