Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 152.201210
GeckoLinux is a Linux spin based on the openSUSE distribution, with a focus on polish and out-of-the-box usability on the desktop. The project has published updated media for both its Static and Rolling branches. “All editions in this update receive quality of life improvements for Bluetooth audio users. The default PulseAudio configuration now prevents undesired automatic switching to the low-quality HSP/HFP device profile, and audio streams will automatically switch to newly connected Bluetooth devices using the A2DP profile. Additionally, improved support has been included for the 7zip archive format. Finally, the default GRUB boot sloader configuration has been tweaked to be cleaner and more predictable on EFI systems. A variety of GeckoLinux ISO spins are available with polished desktop environments to suit every need and preference. Each spin contains a well curated selection of preinstalled applications appropriate for the particular desktop environment.” Further information can be found in the project’s release announcement. There are eight editions of the Static branch and nine of the Rolling branch, one of each are listed here for simplicity. Download: GeckoLinux_STATIC_Cinnamon.x86_64-152.201210.0.iso (1,289MB, MD5, pkglist), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_XFCE.x86_64-999.201205.0.iso (1,417MB, MD5, pkglist).
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