Distribution Release: T2 SDE 20.10
<img src=“https://distrowatch.com/images/yvzhuwbpy/t2.png”><br><br><td class=“NewsText” style=“font-size: 15px”>René Rebe has announced the release of <a href=“https://distrowatch.com/t2”>T2</a> SDE 20.10, a new stable version of the project’s distribution build kit (originally forked from ROCK Linux) designed for advanced Linux users who wish to build custom Linux distributions. This version arrives after ten years of development: “After a decade of development, we are proud to announce the availability of the new T2 Linux Source and Embedded Linux distribution build kit stable release, version 20.10. The 20.10 release has received updates across the board, while a major working target was adding new architecture support for arm64, and RISCV as well as further improving cross compilation - all official ISO images are now fully cross-built. Over 13,800 Subversion revisions indicate the magnitude of the release, with over 1,000 new packages, new features and various other improvements and fixes, including the latest Linux kernel, GCC, LLVM, Clang, Rust, X.Org, Wayland, Firefox, KDE, GNOME and everything in between.” Here is the complete <a href=“https://www.mail-archive.com/t2@t2-project.org/msg03851.html”>release announcement</a> as published on the project’s mailing list. T2 SDE 20.10 is available for <a href=“http://www.t2-project.org/download/”>download</a> as a set of pre-compiled installation images for mips64, powerpc, powerpc64, sparc64, x86 and x86_64. Here are the links to the minimal desktop builds for the x86_64 architectures: <a href=“https://dl.t2-project.org/binary/2020/t2-minimal-desktop-glibc-gcc-x86-64-avx-20.10.iso”>t2-minimal-desktop-glibc-gcc-x86-64-avx-20.10.iso</a> (793MB, <a href=“https://dl.t2-project.org/binary/2020/t2-minimal-desktop-glibc-gcc-x86-64-avx-20.10.sha”>SHA1</a>), <a href=“https://dl.t2-project.org/binary/2020/t2-minimal-desktop-glibc-gcc-x86-64-haswell-20.10.iso”>t2-minimal-desktop-glibc-gcc-x86-64-haswell-20.10.iso</a> (792MB, <a href=“https://dl.t2-project.org/binary/2020/t2-minimal-desktop-glibc-gcc-x86-64-haswell-20.10.sha”>SHA1</a>).</td> <br/><br/>(Feed generated with <a href=“http://fetchrss.com” target=“_blank”>FetchRSS</a>)<br/><br/><a href=“https://distrowatch.com/11102”>https://distrowatch.com/11102</a>
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