Distribution Release: Endless OS 3.9.0
Andre Magalhaes has announced the release of Endless OS 3.9.0, the latest stable version of the project’s family-oriented distribution, based on Debian, designed for work, study and gaming. This release updates the GNOME desktop to version 3.38: “Endless OS 3.9.0. This release of Endless OS has been updated to GNOME 3.38, bringing new features, substantial performance improvements and bug fixes. During this development cycle, the Endless desktop team has focused on bringing features originally developed in Endless OS back to GNOME - such as the ability to drag-and-drop icons on the desktop, and applying parental controls to installed applications - so that our work on usability and safety can reach users beyond Endless OS. In hand with this initiative, we have streamlined the changes we make in Endless OS relative to GNOME to improve the quality of Endless OS and allow us to focus on the key changes which are most important to our users. For example, our desktop application grid now always displays all installed applications, just as it does in GNOME.” See the detailed release announcement for further information and screenshots. Download (pkglist, torrent eos-eos3.9-amd64-amd64.201109-162018.base.iso (2,947MB, signature), eos-eos3.9-amd64-amd64.201109-162018.base.img.xz (2,685MB, signature).
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