Distribution Release: Clonezilla Live 2.7.0-10
Clonezilla Live is a Debian-based live CD containing Clonezilla, a partition and disk cloning software. The project has published a new release, Clonezilla Live version 2.7.0-10. This version includes updated packages, a number of bug fixes, Korean language support, and some conveniences in dealing with device names: “This release of Clonezilla live (2.7.0-10) includes major enhancements and bug fixes: the underlying GNU/Linux operating system has been upgraded - this release is based on the Debian ‘Sid’ repository as of 2020-11-02; Linux kernel has been updated to 5.9.1; add Korean support; format the parameters of ocs-* command about the device name so that it can be with or without /dev/, /dev/sda or sda; do not suppress the stdout/stderr messages when running dd in ocs-restore-[em]br; ocs-expand-gpt-pt, ocs-expand-mbr-pt - no need to check since we are creating new partition table and should not care if the destination disk’s format is GPT or MBR; add prompt about the option -icds when failing to create the partition table on a smaller disk; save OS-related info in the image directory as the file name Info-OS-prober.txt.” Further information can be found in the project’s release announcement. Download (MD5): clonezilla-live-2.7.0-10-amd64.iso (300MB, pkglist).
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