OS Release: RISC OS 5.28
RISC OS is a computer operating system originally designed by Acorn Computers Ltd in Cambridge, England in 1987. It was specifically designed to run on the ARM chipset, which Acorn had designed concurrently for use in its new line of Archimedes personal computers. It takes its name from the RISC (reduced instruction set computing) architecture supported. The project’s latest release, RISC OS 5.28, improves network security, introduces system-wide clipboard support, and fixes several issues. “RISC OS 5.28 now available. Slightly delayed from our original target in Spring, we’re pleased to announce RISC OS 5.28 is now available for all platforms that met or exceeded our stable release criteria. What’s inside? The extra few months has allowed us to pack in a fantastic 366 improvements to the ‘HardDisc4’ image and applications, and a similarly impressive 344 improvements to the main operating system. Enjoy an overhauled Paint, up-to-date network security, system wide clipboard support.” Further information can be found in the project’s release announcement. Images of the operating system for supported devices can be found on the project’s download page; here is a quick link to the Raspberry Pi image: RISCOSPi.5.28.zip (127MB).
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