Distribution Release: Ubuntu Kylin 20.10
Ubuntu Kylin, a Linux distribution built for China and an official member of the Ubuntu family, has arrived at the 20.10 release. The new version features the much improved UKUI 3.0 desktop environment (a fork of MATE), as well as an enhanced file manager called Peony: “The Ubuntu Kylin team is pleased to announce the official release of the open-source operating system version 20.10 (code-named ‘Groovy Gorilla’) of Ubuntu Kylin. 20.10 is the 16th version released by Ubuntu Kylin, which provides 9-month technical support, and it is released globally. The latest Linux 5.8 kernel and UKUI 3.0 desktop environment are integrated into the Ubuntu Kylin 20.10 release by default. It has fixed many problems in the start menu, file manager and control panel so as to provide users with a more efficient and stable user experience. You are welcome to download it and have a try, and do give us feedback on your user experience.” Read the long list of improvements and bug fixes in the release announcement, available both in Simplified Chinese and in English). Here is the download link: ubuntukylin-20.10-desktop-amd64.iso (2,929MB, SHA256, signature, torrent, pkglist).
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