Distribution Release: deepin 20
The deepin team has published a new version of their Debian-based desktop distribution. The new release, deepin 20, features an updated Deepin Desktop Environment, upgrades the base packages to Debian 10.6, and provides newer kernels for better hardware support. “deepin 20 (1002) comes with a unified design style and redesigns the desktop environment and applications, bringing a brand new visual look. Besides that, the underlying repository is upgraded to Debian 10.5, and the system installation supports dual kernels - Linux kernel 5.4 and Linux kernel 5.7, which greatly improve system stability and compatibility. What is more, it provides a new launcher, the latest preinstalled applications, enhanced fingerprint support and system security, all of which ensures better user experiences. The new design introduces ingenious colorful icons, fresh graphics interface, natural and smooth animation effects, unique rounded-corner windows, and exquisite multitask view. All of them build a fashion and user-friendly desktop environment.” Further details can screenshots can be found in the project’s release announcement (Chinese, English). Download: deepin-desktop-community-1002-amd64.iso (2,649MB, SHA256, pkglist).
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