Development Release: Elive 3.8.16
Elive, or Enlightenment live CD, is a Debian-based desktop Linux distribution and live CD featuring the Enlightenment window manager. The distribution’s latest development snapshot is Elive 3.8.16 Beta, which features several package updates and fixes the eltrans translation tool. The release announcement reads: “The Elive Team is proud to announce the release of the beta version 3.8.16. This new version includes: Kernel 5.7.10 and updated drivers; Optimizations while installing packages in Live mode; Virtual machines: included feature to configure and remember a specific resolution; WINE improvements for running installed software; SSD/NVME performance improvements by: disabled realtime discards, enabled a safe weekly fstrim job, much faster speeds using now a simpler and efficient scheduler; eltrans, the elive translator tool is working again; Hotkeys PDF shows up with a better user-experience now; document included about how to customize and create your own E16 themes; other fixes: updated tmux compatible configurations, nicotine updates and fixes, Netflix compatibility feature is working again.” Download: elive_3.8.16_beta_hybrid_i386.iso (2,560MB, pkglist).
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