Distribution Release: Ubuntu DesktopPack 20.04
Mark Bezrukov has announced the release of Ubuntu DesktopPack, a comprehensive set of Ubuntu remixes created by Ukraine’s UALinux. The project’s latest version comes in 13 different flavours, including two new ones - one with the Deepin desktop and the other using GNOME with a Windows 10-like theme. From the release announcement: “The Ubuntu*Pack 20.04 distribution kit is available, presented in the form of 13 independent systems with various interfaces: original Ubuntu, plus Budgie, Cinnamon, GNOME, GNOME Classic, GNOME Flashback, KDE, LXqt, MATE, Unity, Xfce, DDE (Deepin desktop) and a Windows 10-style interface. The distributions are based on the Ubuntu 20.04 LTS operating system. The main differences between our distributions and the original Ubuntu is the already implemented official updates, various graphical interfaces, multimedia and additional drivers and programs that are absent in Ubuntu.” All 13 Ubuntu DesktopPack editions are available for download from SourceForge; here are the quick links to some of the more interesting ones (pkglist ubuntu_pack-20.04-desktop-amd64.iso (3,756MB), ubuntu_pack-20.04-cinnamon-amd64.iso (3,469MB), ubuntu_pack-20.04-dde-amd64.iso (3,498MB), ubuntu_pack-20.04-gnome-amd64.iso (3,756MB), ubuntu_pack-20.04-gnome_like_win-amd64.iso (3,756MB), ubuntu_pack-20.04-kde-amd64.iso (3,720MB), ubuntu_pack-20.04-unity-amd64.iso (3,922MB), ubuntu_pack-20.04-xfce-amd64.iso (2,858MB).
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