Distribution Release: EasyOS 2.4.1
EasyOS is an experimental Linux distribution which uses many of the technologies and package formats pioneered by Puppy Linux. EasyOS continues to improve its container technology, security features, and update its Debian-based packages. The project’s release announcement offers the highlights of EasyOS 2.4.1: “EasyOS 2.4.1 has significant and exciting new features since version 2.3. This includes enhancements to ‘lockdown in RAM’ as an alternative security strategy to containers, tools and strategies for debugging bootup in the initrd, automatic version update via an ‘update’ icon on the desktop, and choice of settings to retain when erase the session. There are many package changes, including built from Debian 10.5 DEBs and kernel bump to 5.4.59. Updated applications include SeaMonkey, Pupradio, fftag, ffplay-GTK, Pmcputemp and EasyDD. New apps include MATE Calc and iotop. Many infrastructure improvements and fixes – too many to list, see the release notes.” The release notes offer greater detail. Download: easy-2.4.1-amd64.img.gz (553MB, MD5, pkglist).
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