Distribution Release: Garuda Linux 200831
Version 200831 of Garuda Linux, an Arch-based desktop Linux distribution with a graphical installer and system management tools, and available in several popular desktop flavours, has been released: “Garuda Linux release 200831 - this is an ISO image refresh released today. Changelog: Garuda Welcome app - added a toggle for easy switching to HiDPI mode, added a toggle to switch GDM to Wayland, added a toggle to enable systemwide ad-blocking via AdGuard DNS, added a toggle for enabling and disabling the guest account; Garuda Network Assistant app - added WiFi restart button, added Bluetooth restart button, detect if NetworkManager or Connman are running if they are installed and not running; Garuda-zsh-config - switched to Powerlevel10k theme (including the patched font)… It also includes some software updates, including some major version upgrades for Linux-zen 5.8.5, Mesa 20.1.6, NVIDIA 450.66, Firefox 80, LibreOffice 7.0.0.” Read the rest of the release announcement for more details. Download (pkglist garuda-kde-ultimate-200831-linux-zen.iso (5,076MB, torrent), garuda-gnome-ultimate-200831-linux-zen.iso (4,647MB, torrent), garuda-xfce-ultimate-200831-linux-zen.iso (4,697MB, torrent), garuda-wayfire-lite-200831-linux-zen.iso (1,643MB, torrent), garuda-lxqt-kwin-ultimate-200831-linux-zen.iso (4,428MB, torrent), garuda-deepin-ultimate-200831-linux-zen.iso (5,033MB, torrent), garuda-i3-ultimate-200831-linux-zen.iso (4,644MB, torrent).
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