Distribution Release: Parrot 4.10
Lorenzo Faletra has announced the release of Parrot 4.10, an updated build of the project’s distribution set based on Debian’s “Testing” branch. The new version comes with AnonSurf 3.0 and it also updates the Linux kernel to version 5.7.10: “We are proud to announce the release of Parrot OS 4.10. This new version includes many important updates to make the distribution more reliable and more secure. AnonSurf 3.0 is ready, and it has many important features. It is now subdivided into three modules - GUI, Daemon and Utilities. The GUI is written in NIM, a blazing-fast programming language, very easy to write and read, that compiles in native C code. It uses Gintro GTK for the interface and it has several features to let the user control the AnonSurf behavior. You can start, stop and reload AnonSurf, and you can easily configure AnonSurf to automatically start at boot. It is easy to monitor the status of Tor and see the traffic, the logs and some usage statistics thanks to its integration with NYX.” Read the complete release notes for more information and screenshots. Download (SHA512, signature, pkglist Parrot-home-4.10_amd64.iso (1,839MB, torrent), Parrot-kde-home-4.10_amd64.iso (2,037MB, torrent), Parrot-security-4.10_amd64.iso (4,114MB, torrent), Parrot-kde-security-4.10_amd64.iso (4,247MB, torrent).
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