Distribution Release: GeckoLinux 999.200729.0
The GeckoLinux “Rolling” edition, which is a desktop-oriented distribution based on openSUSE’s “Tumbleweed” branch, has been updated to version 999.200729.0. It brings a new set of installable live images with a choice of Cinnamon, Xfce, GNOME, KDE Plasma, MATE, LXQt and IceWM desktop environments. From the release announcement: “GeckoLinux is pleased to announce the 999.200729 update to its ‘Rolling’ editions, thus completing the current refresh cycle of the entire GeckoLinux line-up. GeckoLinux ‘Rolling’ spins are generated directly from unmodified openSUSE Tumbleweed and Packman repositories, and the installed system can be updated directly from those official sources. This design decision has allowed GeckoLinux ‘Rolling’ users to install and update their systems in a constant rolling fashion over the past two years from the cutting-edge and highly-stable openSUSE Tumbleweed distribution.” Download links (MD5, pkglist GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Cinnamon.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,392MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_XFCE.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,381MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Gnome.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,384MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Plasma.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,409MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_Mate.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,437MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_LXQt.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,373MB), GeckoLinux_ROLLING_BareBones.x86_64-999.200729.0.iso (1,029MB).
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