Distribution Release: KaOS 2020.07
KaOS is a rolling release distribution that focuses on one desktop (KDE Plasma) and one toolkit (Qt). The distribution’s latest snapshot provides a series of package updates, more configuration options, and additional firmware for wider hardware support. “You will find Plasma 5.19 on this ISO. Highlights of 5.19 include incorporation of a consistent design and header area for system tray applets as well as notifications, refreshed look of the media playback applet in the System Tray, System monitor widgets have all been rewritten from scratch and Sticky notes get several usability improvements and if you use Wayland, you will also appreciate the new option that lets you configure the mouse and touchpad scroll speed. Frameworks is at 5.72.0, Plasma at 5.19.3, and KDE Applications at 20.04.3. All built on Qt 5.15.0. For the installer Calamares, KaOS has started a move to using as many QML modules as possible. For the Welcome screen that means any text or needed info can now be shown as a QML file within the Calamares window, no need for pop-ups or external applications. The keyboard module is also rewritten in QML, which now gives a much clearer overview of possible keyboard models, languages and variants.” Further details may be found in the project’s release announcement. Download (SHA256): KaOS-2020.07-x86_64.iso (2,310MB, signature, pkglist).
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