Distribution Release: Slackel 7.3 "Openbox"
Slackel is a Linux distribution and live CD based on Slackware Linux and Salix OS. The project’s latest release is Slaxel 7.3 “Openbox” which brings the distribution up to date with Slackware’s development branch. “What is new: slim login manager is used as default. Gdm exists also but it is not used because of font rendering problems. Slackel Live Installer (SLI) now can do a real installation to an external USB stick or USB SSD or USB hard disk, creating the necessary initrd for booting. For this, just create an msdos partition table on /dev/sdb or /dev/sdc and a Linux ext4 partition on /dev/sdb1 or on /dev/sdc1 where /dev/sdb is your first USB device, /dev/sdc the second USB plug in device. Sign the /dev/sdb1 or /dev/sdc1 bootable. Create also a Linux swap partition to /dev/sdb2 or /dev/sdc2, with size 2GB or 4GB according the memory you have. Do not create a EFI partition. If you boot using a Slackel live Openbox DVD then your external USB device will be recognized as /dev/sdb. If you boot using a slackel live openbox USB then the second USB you will use for real installation it will be recognized as /dev/sdc.” Additional information can be found in the project’s release announcement. Download (MD5): slackellive-openbox-7.3.iso (1,792MB, pkglist).
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