Distribution Release: Proxmox 6.2 "Virtual Environment"
Proxmox is a commercial company which offers specialized products based on Debian. The company has launched Proxmox Virtual Environment version 6.2 which is based on Debian 10.4 “Buster”. The release announcement covers the highlights of the new version which include updates to the kernel and ZFS support. “We are proud to announce the general availability of our virtualization management platform Proxmox VE 6.2. It’s built on Debian Buster 10.4 and a 5.4 long-term Linux kernel, QEMU 5.0, LXC 4.0, ZFS 0.8.3, Ceph 14.2.9 (Nautilus), and ZFS 0.8.3. This release brings a built-in validation of domains for Let’s Encrypt TLS certificates via the DNS-based challenge mechanism, full support for up to eight corosync network links, support for Zstandard for Backup/Restore, and a new LDAP sync for users and groups and full support for API tokens. Countless bugfixes and smaller improvements are included as well, see the full release notes.” Further information on the new version and upgrade instructions can be found in the release announcement. Download: proxmox-ve_6.2-1.iso (862MB, SHA256, pkglist).
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