Distribution Release: Kali Linux 2020.2
Kali Linux is a Debian-based distribution with a collection of security and forensics tools. The project’s latest release makes it easier for users to access PowerShell, updates themes for KDE Plasma, and the size requirements for the distribution’s ARM-build SD cards has been increased from 8GB to 16GB. “A while ago, we put PowerShell into Kali Linux’s network repository. This means if you wanted PowerShell, you had to install the package as a one off by doing: ‘sudo apt install -y powershell’. We now have put PowerShell into one of our (primary) metapackages, kali-linux-large. This means, if you choose to install this metapackage during system setup, or once Kali is up and running (sudo apt install -y kali-linux-large), if PowerShell is compatible with your architecture, you can just jump straight into it (pwsh)! PowerShell isn’t in the default metapackage (that’s kali-linux-default), but it is in the one that includes the default and many extras, and can be included during system setup.” Additional information and screenshots of the new KDE Plasma themes can be found in the distribution’s release announcement. Download (SHA256) (pkglist kali-linux-2020.2-installer-amd64.iso (3,681MB, torrent), (2,881MB, torrent), kali-linux-2020.2-installer-netinst-amd64.iso (420MB, torrent).
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